Friday, May 30, 2008


Cali had oatmeal with bananas this morning and she loved it! Woohoo... she HATES rice cereal.
She isn't a fan of sweet potatoes.
She loves chicken and pears and she thinks apple sauce and carrots are okay.
That's it for now!
Will take some more pictures this weekend.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Let me know what you think!

Cali had Chicken on Tuesday for dinner and she LOVED it! And by that I mean she opened her mouth! And she had apple juice for the first time too! And she loved that too!!!

Her final thought on dinner....

We also tried carrots last week. She thought those were ok!

Oh and this is her new thing! She loves to pucker

We also went to her 6 month well-baby-check. She got 3 vaccines. One oral and 2 shots. And yes she cried when she got the oral and when she got the 2 shots. She also cried when Dr. Smith tried to put the Popsicle stick in her mouth. Her cool Band aids.

Oh yeah, her 6 month stats:
Weight:17lbs 10oz-- 75%
Length: 27"--90%
Head circumference: 17.75"-- 75%
At six months Cali can
Crawl (at 5 miles and hour as Dave would put it)
Started cruise along the furniture
She waved bye to a little boy on Monday as we were leaving the park
She sleeps almost 12 hours at night and take 2-2 hour naps a day! She's a great sleeper.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Monday, May 19, 2008

Weekend Pictures

Aunt Ashley and Cali at the beach for the first time

First time on the sand

And she LOVES it

Sitting on a bench in front of Hotel Del Coronado

And her two beautiful teeth that have been causing so much pain

Us at the Zoo

We saw a cheetah from inside a bus during the "Journey into Africa Tour" at the San Diego Wild Animal Park

Cali says OMG! Look at that! What you ask?

They are walking the cheetah and a dog!

Who would of thought they would be buddies?!?!

Yes! We are only 5 FEET away from this cat!!! No glass or bars or anything in between us!

The San Diego Wild Animal Park is the COOLEST!

Cali has learned to make the coolest faces ever!

There are many more cool pictures from this weekend but that is all for now. Stay tuned for more!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I'm finally done the way my blog looks!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

New teeth!

We can feel Cali's bottom teeth coming in! Their not all he way out yet but I figured that they should be all the way out by tomorrow morning!
It's been a big week for Cali. She's had to remember who the crazy man loving on her all the time is, she's had to figure out how to crawl forward and had to put up with the teething pain.

I'm working on the pictures.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

She can go forward!

Well not very far but she has figured out how to move!

Friday, May 9, 2008

So freaking excited!

Dave gets home tomorrow! Well not 'til 11pm, but still tomorrow!

I'm changing the way my blog looks but while I was working on it blogger kept giving me this weird error hindering my ability to view the changes I was making. So I had to quit working on it and had to leave it looking like a pink nightmare, don't worry it won't be pink for too long. It will probably stay pink for a few days, since I'll be busy ;)

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mother out there. Specially my mom.

I will post more pictures from our trip to Oklahoma next week.

Monday, May 5, 2008

more pictures

Cali's new tricks

She's growing so fast!

They love each other so much.

This is what we do for fun

Uncle Albert and Cali

Robin and Cali

This is what Uncle Albert does to my baby

Mommy and Cali

Grandma, Grandpa and the grandbabies

Cali doesn't know what to do with the paci

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Hello from Oklahoma

Not much to say now.. we've just been hanging around having a good time. Cali has met lots of new people and she loves them all!