Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Something new everyday

She gets better everyday!She finally listed to me and stopped trying to run.

She also learned to open her toy trunk!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Slow down little one!

Well Cali isn't walking yet, thank God! But she is up to 5 steps. I think that the only reason she isn't walking is because she wants to run! I keep telling her that she has to walk before she runs but she just doesn't listen. I've been trying so hard to get it on video but every time I get the camera out she just crawls over and tries to get it out of my hands.

On other news Cali pooped in the bathtub on Saturday! The first time she has ever done that! It was pretty gross... The worst part she almost did it again on Sunday but I caught her before she did it and I sat her on the toilet and SHE POOPED IN THE TOILET! Do you want to see a picture a picture??

Click here!
If you don't want to see her poop then don't click there! If the link doesn't work let me know.

Have a good week!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Our baby...

She's out of control

Cali is growing up way too fast! She's is almost walking and I don't like it! She's my little baby and I'm not ready for her to grow up just yet. But I guess I can't hold her back. She can take 2 steps now, I think she will be walking within the next week. She is also getting into everything and anything and making big messes!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Dum.. dumm...du.. dumm

So that was suppose to be the wedding march in the title... Our friends Carrie and Mike got married today, yes on Dave's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!)
Waiting to begin... While we were waiting we saw many gay couples and it made me happy! I love California!
Nope this isn't the nervous smile...
Just playing with the rings... not nervous at all

Isn't my baby cute?

What is going on?

I guess it's too late now

First Kiss
We are so hot!
The rest of the pictures are here!

What about this one?

How big is too big?

Cali in the tub... I want to get a picture of her in the tub and I want to get a canvas wrap print, possibly 16x20. I want to put in our bathroom, we don't have any decorations in there now so I thought this might be nice and simple.
I really like this picture but the only problem is that I cut part of her foot and most of the duck would be cut off and it would just look weird.

This is what it would look like...
I guess it's back to the drawing board..errr... bathtub

Thursday, August 7, 2008

More Pictures

Wish version do you like best?

How ADORABLE is this little girl?!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Too much...

I'm on a roll! Four post in one day! What has this world come to?
Cali was almost out of food and I had put this off long enough... there are SEVEN trays of baby food in our freezer! And I'm only half done!
Top left tray you will find pears...

Left tray broccoli and carrots, right tray carrots...

Back left tray pears and cantaloupe, middle tray cantaloupe and red plums, back right tray acorn squash... front tray acorn squash and green beans...

Tomorrow I will continue with peaches, nectarines, plums and mangoes... will finish Wednesday with chicken and turkey. Yes this is what I do with my nights, aren't you jealous?

Wild Animal Park

Gorilla feet...
Gorilla hands...
yes she kisses deer...
She's afraid of animals...


We have cucumbers. They are huge.

Around the house

Mom stop taking pictures.

She can stand on her own! I think she's going to walk soon.

Just look at how freaking cute she is.
Even with her tongue out she's freaking adorable.

Look how much she misses her daddy!