Friday, September 26, 2008

About the Book

It will be an 8x8 book and you can pretty much get them anywhere... I'm going to order mine from ArtsCow if you sign up you get a bunch of free prints and if I send you a referral you get additional free stuff... so let me know if you want me to send you a referral.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I'm making Cali an Alphabet book with pictures of her favorite things
Here are a couple of the pages

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Having fun

This is what we did tonight! All the balls are supposed to be inside the pool but Cali thought it was more fun to dump them out and play with the pool. We played with the pool for like an hour and had a blast.

She is under the pool

This is how she relaxes in the pool!
She's such a funny little girl. And how freaking cute is that smile?!?!


Thursday, September 18, 2008

I really like this picture... I just wished she didn't have avocado on her face and buggers in her nose.

She likes to "help"

She's such a good little helper! But with a smile like that how could you not just give in?!
Look at those pretty brown eyes!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Pictures

Cali has been doing this for a long time, since before she started walking but I've never been able to get a picture of her doing it until now. Look at those chompers! Excuse the messy fave she was eating avocado and has had a runny nose for the past 2 weeks. Click on the picture and you can see them better.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Better late than never

Cali is walking! She's been walking for a few weeks now but I just now got around to getting a good video of her walking.
As you've seen Cali likes to eat fruits whole well this weekend while we were cooking she grabbed the onion out of the fridge and thought it was a fruit.

Push the play button in the middle. If it keeps breaking up push the pause button (bottom left) and wait for the red line to get to the end and then push play again.

Since some of you said you couldn't view the other videos I used YouTube this time, let me know if you still can't watch it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


We have the "cutest baby EVER"

If you click on the next picture you can see her top teeth!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Make that 4 more

This morning when Cali was smiling after 2 hours of crying I noticed that she had FOUR top teeth coming in not two like we thought. Our poor baby is not having a good week.

Sharing her Cheerios

"No more pictures please"

"I'm going to Karate Chop you if you don't put the camera away!"

Sunday, September 7, 2008

10 Months

Our baby is 10 Months!
At 10 months she can walk and say mama. And she loves to share! She shares everything! Even her food. She likes to take it out of her mouth and give it to you, isn't she just so sweet?!
If you look closely you can see her top 2 teeth coming in!

We went to the Wild Animal Park, yes for the 4th time, and we lost Cali's Doll! This is the doll that she sleeps with and carries everywhere. It was such a sad day, but thanks to eBay we have 2 new dolls coming.
More cute pictures to come later

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Big Day!

We woke up bright and early to go to Cali's first day of swim classes. It's 2 days a week for 5 weeks. She is the youngest kid there and the only one that didn't cry. One of the little boys cried the entire time, it was really annoying.
Here she is trying to drink the pool water.

After swim classes we went to her 9 month checkup...
She weighs 19lbs 7oz--97% she's a chunky monkey
29.25 inches tall--75%
17.75 head circumference 66%
She also got her Hepatitis B Shot and Iron Test (anemia test) ... her iron is good! 12 point something.

Cali is now walking she still prefers to crawl but she can walk across the room.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Cali had her hairs cut

Cali got her first haircut on Sunday and I think she knew something bad was going to happen look at that scared look on her face.
"Mom what are they doing to me? Come save me."

She really didn't enjoy her first hair cut... but look how cute she looks. The pictures in the mustang were taken after.

Christmas List

I think Cali knows what she wants for Christmas...

Look at that smile
Hey dad stop being silly


Mikie & Cali had fun at the playground.
Cali isn't sure about this
Seriously people I don't know if I really want to go down the slide
Baby torture at its finest.
I don't think she's old enough for the slide