Friday, February 27, 2009

Potty Training Day 1

Things did not go as we imagined, but then again we've never done this so we didn't really know what to expect.
As soon as Cali woke up I took her diaper off and we went downstairs to pee. She didn't pee. So we brought the potty to the kitchen where we played and ate breakfast. After 2 hours she still hadn't peed. I kept trying to get her to pee but she would just sit on her chair. She finally decided she was ready to pee, she dragged the chair from the kitchen to the bathroom and sat there for a minute, again nothing happened and Dave went outside. She got up to look for Dave and she peed right outside the bathroom door! UHHHH so close. Fifteen minutes later she goes back into the bathroom closes the door and then starts crying. I go check on her and she peed on the bathroom floor! And this went on the rest of the day. She would pee next to the potty but not in the potty.
I'm thinking she's either scared to pee in the potty or thinks she can pee standing like Dave.
It's so tiring constantly watching her. The good thing is that she never peed on the carpet.
She walked around without pants or underwear. Like this
Maybe tomorrow she will actually pee in the potty.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Exciting Day at the Murray Home

I got my new camera(Canon 40D)!! Woohoo!!! I waited all day long! The UPS guy didn't come until 6:45PM! So I haven't really had much time to play with it. I guess it gives me time to read the manual, which is really important when you get a new camera, it's nothing like my old camera.
The other exciting news! Cali peed in the potty, well sort of.
We went to Target to get her a potty and from what I've read you're suppose to get a cheapest, plainest potty seat because you're suppose to have several (we only got one). As soon as we got home we sat her on it and of course nothing happened and Dave gave up. But I've also read (yes I've done my reading) that you're suppose to let them run around naked. I took her pants off and let her play with the potty and I went on with my business. Three minutes later I look at her and there is a little pee in the potty and the rest on the floor. She's not tall enough to sit all the way back on her own, which explains why most of the pee was on the floor. She didn't know how to react, she was a little scared but as soon as I realized she was scared I clapped, told her good job and gave her a big hug. She was so proud of herself. I think she really is ready for potty training.
Testing it out

First Pee in the Potty at the ripe old age of 15 months, 2 weeks and 4 days.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Moms help!

I think Cali might be ready for potty training but I'm not sure, she's sooo young. Last night when we got home she kept trying to take her diaper off, which she's never done before, so I took it off and as soon as it came off she walked to the bathroom and tried to climb the toilet. I sat her on the toilet for a couple of minutes but nothing happened. So I figured she just wanted to play with the toilet paper. Well 30 minutes later she wanted her diaper off again so I took it off and sat her on the toilet, again nothing. So I just left her naked and not a minute later she's back in the bathroom and this times she peed right by the toilet.
She can't even talk so I don't know how this is going to work. She's really good at communicating what she wants she just doesn't use words.
HELP! Please email me your thoughts!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I can't find my card reader so I can't download pictures from my camera. Well I could if I downloaded the program that came with my camera but I don't want to do that since I'm getting my new camera this week! Woohoo!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Because she's so beautiful


Cali Love

Cali is such a sweet baby and mom. She rocks her babies, gives them milk and loves on the all the time. It's the cutest thing ever.
Our friends Carrie and Mike had their baby last week and I'm going to take some pictures for them so I was practicing with Cali's baby.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wild Animal Park

Here are a couple more pictures of Cali petting the deer at the Wild Animal Park.

Bad Hair

I know most of the pictures of Cali are in her highchair but it's because it's the only place where she'll sit still long enough to take a picture. She is ALWAYS on the move... which would explain her 3-4 hour naps.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sweet Lens

I love this new lens!!! It's the Canon 85mm 1.8.
She has the cutest little lips

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Car Ride

On our way to eat Thai Food.

No Glasses?


Cali doesn't watch TV, but sometime when the TV is on something catches her attention and she'll watch for a few second. One morning Good Morning America was having a segment on the top 10 dogs and it caught Cali's attention. She sat in front of the TV and watched the entire segment. I think we decided that she needs a puppy.

Catching up

Collecting Rocks
When we go to the playground Cali likes to run away. If you click here you can see the bigger version of the first picture.