Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ice Cream Craze

This is what a child with a mouth full of peanuts looks like
And this is what ice cream does to a 4-year-old and a 1-year-old
Click HERE to view the larger version

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

oh so sweet

This little girl is the sweetest thing ever. Last night she woke up at 11:30 screaming her head off and I just didn't want to deal with it so I brought her to bed with me and she slept fine the rest of the night. When she woke up this morning she just played in bed for about 30 minutes and I pretend to be sleeping. She finally got bored and decided it was time to wake me up so she puts her head on my chest, caresses my cheek and gives me a kiss to wake me up. She is so stinkin' adorable. Please don't be jealous because I'm having to deal with her "independence" and it isn't always fun.
Here's a picture of our morning breakfast, her trying to be a big girl, eating in the big kids chair with the big kids spoon.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

1st Braids

I didn't think it was possible to braid her hair but I was wrong!
Cali is doing a lot better she is finally eating everything in sight and sleeping a lot better.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

We made it

To my parents' house. Cali and I are staying in my old bedroom and I can't believe I picked those ugly colors on the wall, good thing they are painting the entire house.
Cali has had 2 bad nights. The first night she had diarrhea and wanted to sleep on my chest and last night she was throwing up, not good. But besides that she is adjusting well, having a wonderful time with Madison.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Matt and Suzanne have such a great house. The hallways is so long Cali loves running up and down it.
If you look closely you can see she is making the same face in all the pictures.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Back in the grove...I've been in a photography slump and I think I'm finally getting better. Probably because this truck business if resolved and Cali is finally back to normal. She has been getting her 10th tooth (second molar) and it has been horrible for all of us, she would cry all day and all night long. I'm glad to have my happy baby back. I'm sure Matt and Suzanne feel the same way.
Beautiful eyes!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Pictures

I didn't get cute pictures of Cali in her Easter outfit because we only had like 3 minutes before it started raining. So here are the not so good pictures from that day.
Excited about her basket.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hanging out in Houston

The only picture from the zoo... I took pictures of some of the animals but I don't feel like posting them. I think that goat wants a bite of Cali.
Our cute baby cleaning up. I don't know why some of my pictures looks hazy. It has something to do with Flickr (the site that hosts the pictures), they looks fine on my computer.
She's such a mess.
We've had a great time hanging out in Houston. Matt and Suzanne are gone during the day so it's mostly Cali and I but it's nice to be around good friends. Cali loves Suzanne, I think she likes her more than me sometimes. She's slowly falling in love with Matt too.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Oh My...

So much has happened since my last post.
We went kite flying
We took our belongings up North
We took a little detour to visit Grandma and Grandpa Simon and saw the cute puppies.
Dave was off to the Middle East and Suzanne, Cali and I drove to Houston TX
We got to Houston with no major incidents. I did get pulled over for doing "90 in an 80 zone" and of course I didn't think I was doing 90 so I argued with the officer, probably not the smartest thing to do, but I got away with a warning. And like always Cali did a lot better than I thought she would do. She is the best baby ever.
We woke up Monday morning, 12 hours after we got there, and realized that someone broke into the truck and tried to steal it. Eight hours later the truck was at the repair shop and I was in a rental car. Suzanne got some bad news from her brother (second bad news in less than a week). We parked the rental in the garage because Suzanne had never had any incidents with parking her car in front of her house and we didn't want to risk another break-in. They say bad things come in three so we figured we were in the clear (Two bad news from Suzanne's brother and a break-in). I wake up Tuesday morning to Suzanne talking on the phone with Matt about the insurance claim, turns out someone hit Suzanne's car. I just wanted to go crawl in bed and cry, but I have a toddler to care for so I can't have breakdown.
We put on our happy faces and headed to the Houston Children's Museum. I spent most of the time on the phone with the insurance company. I spent most of the time on the phone with the insurance company and Cali had a blast.
We hit the a park on Wednesday and the Houston Zoo today. Will post pictures of the zoo later.