Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Slow down little one!

Well Cali isn't walking yet, thank God! But she is up to 5 steps. I think that the only reason she isn't walking is because she wants to run! I keep telling her that she has to walk before she runs but she just doesn't listen. I've been trying so hard to get it on video but every time I get the camera out she just crawls over and tries to get it out of my hands.

On other news Cali pooped in the bathtub on Saturday! The first time she has ever done that! It was pretty gross... The worst part she almost did it again on Sunday but I caught her before she did it and I sat her on the toilet and SHE POOPED IN THE TOILET! Do you want to see a picture a picture??

Click here!
If you don't want to see her poop then don't click there! If the link doesn't work let me know.

Have a good week!


mcgonigl said...

Oh the things mom do....

mcgonigl said...

moms do that is.

Unknown said...

OMG that is funny! I am afraid to click on the link.