Monday, August 4, 2008

Too much...

I'm on a roll! Four post in one day! What has this world come to?
Cali was almost out of food and I had put this off long enough... there are SEVEN trays of baby food in our freezer! And I'm only half done!
Top left tray you will find pears...

Left tray broccoli and carrots, right tray carrots...

Back left tray pears and cantaloupe, middle tray cantaloupe and red plums, back right tray acorn squash... front tray acorn squash and green beans...

Tomorrow I will continue with peaches, nectarines, plums and mangoes... will finish Wednesday with chicken and turkey. Yes this is what I do with my nights, aren't you jealous?


Anonymous said...

i am, let me take care of that angel for a minute! i love you both

mcgonigl said...

i took two pictures of the corn...just'll see

Unknown said...

Wow you make baby food look good!