Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Big Day!

We woke up bright and early to go to Cali's first day of swim classes. It's 2 days a week for 5 weeks. She is the youngest kid there and the only one that didn't cry. One of the little boys cried the entire time, it was really annoying.
Here she is trying to drink the pool water.

After swim classes we went to her 9 month checkup...
She weighs 19lbs 7oz--97% she's a chunky monkey
29.25 inches tall--75%
17.75 head circumference 66%
She also got her Hepatitis B Shot and Iron Test (anemia test) ... her iron is good! 12 point something.

Cali is now walking she still prefers to crawl but she can walk across the room.


Ashley Calis Aunt said...

good job cali .....
shes doing so great
love u guys

mcgonigl said...

Adorable adorable adorable!!! I am so glad she is learning to swim! That is exciting!