Friday, August 28, 2009

Pop Pop we need you!

To help us build a basement! Please come help us build a basement ASAP! We will need it like tomorrow.
Why did she have to get daddy's lips?
And Mommy's legs?
Why is our baby so cute? Potty training is going great. She has no pee accidents, poo isn't going so well but I know she will get it soon. Any advice is greatly appreciated. And if you have yet to receive our change of address card please email me and I will send it out ASAP. It's really cute, you will want to get one.



Monday, August 24, 2009

Potty Training Again

I started potty training Cali again because I was running low on diapers and the nearest Costco is 40 minutes away, so I figured I would give it another try and things couldn't be going any better.
Saturday (Day 1) was rough, more accidents than peeing in the potty. I was ready to give up.
Sunday (Day 2) 2 pee accidents and 1 poo accident. But she peed in the potty twice! And she didn't wet her diaper during nap time! She doesn't say she has too pee she just grabs herself.
Monday (Day 3) So far she has peed in the potty 3 times and no accidents! Woohoo! We even went to Target without a diaper. I took her to the gym and put a diaper on her but told her that she had to pee in the potty. She didn't wet her diaper!
She is taking her afternoon nap right now and has a diaper on so lets hope the success continues.
I was thinking about putting vinyl birdcages above Cali's crib. Yay or Nay?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dishes too?

I swear I don't make her do any of this! I was clearing the counter and the next thing I know she has her step stool next to the sink.
She had the cool side braid going on yesterday.
How cute is she?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Snack Time

Since Cali cooked and cleaned yesterday I decided to make her a fun snack.
She was really excited
What was she so excited for?
We've been having a good week except that she keeps waking up during the night and I think I know why. All her teeth are almost in except there is one little sucker that just won't come all the way out.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Oh yeah..

Did I mention she sweeps and mops too. I'm the luckiest mom ever, most of the time!

Cooking Time

Cali was cooking for us this morning. Her Dollies and I thought it was delicious.
Here she is running to get more raisins.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Miss you!

Birth Day August 18, 1984

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Home Sweet Home, Almost

There is one big thing missing! This guy right here!
It's just not the same without him but we're trying to get by without him.
This pretty face keeps me busy most of the day. I do get three hours to clean, cook, blog, and me time during her afternoon nap.
So here's what I've added to her room. I'm only working on her room because we're waiting for daddy to get back from Japan to work on the rest of the house.
I'm still not sure what I'm going to add above her crib. I was thinking of adding a quote but I can't seem to find the right quote. Any ideas? I'm looking for something to go with the bird theme.
I've added a bird house that I was thinking of repainted but I think I'm going to leave it.
I do have more birds to really bring in the bird theme but I need shelves hung before I can put them out.
I think I'm getting a mirror and putting it and the shelves above the dresser and probably move the pictures on the shelves
Now back down to the other room we spend most of our time in... the kitchen
Notice the new 5 burner stainless steal stove, pretty huh?
We will be getting a stainless steal overhead microwave.

And the sink... nothing exciting there
Finally the kitchen and dinning room
That's it for now.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


We got internet in the house yesterday, Friday, so I'm finally able to post.
We moved in a week ago Thursday, August 6. This is Cali watching Beethoven while we unpack
I had already told Ashley that I would go wedding venue shopping with her that weekend so we didn't get to sleep in our house that weekend. We drove up to Smartville on Friday and spend the weekend there.
We colored a little
She swam a little
Hung out on the hammack a little
Cali went to Maddie and Cameron's Birthday party on Saturday while I went with Ashley and her mom to look a venues.
Later that night Ashley brought her future sister in law over to play with Cali.
Millie and Cali had a blast hanging out in the cool red Mustang
And Sunday morning Grandpa Roy came home with a new puppy
Meet Pearl, named after the Black Pearl.
She is the cutest Black Lab/Rottweiler Mix. I wanted to bring her home.

We came back Sunday evening and finally slept in our own house, after 4 months of being homeless. The first thing I did was paint Cali's room. I wanted to get her room ready so that she could settle in and adjust. I explained that it was her room and that this was her house and I think she understood because she didn't say a peep when I put her down for her first nap in her new room on Tuesday (had to let the low VOC paint dry and air out).
Her first nap in her new room.
Here's a better picture of her room.
I need to paint the night stand black. I've added a few accent to her room since then, haven't taken another picture yet, I'll take another picture soon and post that.
That's it for now. And Daddy we miss you!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lots of work

I'm sure you all know that moving is lots of work. I spent most of the day cleaning, priming and making trips to Lowe's/Home Depot.
First thing I did was take a picture of the front of the house
While I waited for the carpet cleaner guy I took out a couple (hundred) thumbtacks and staples out the walls in Cali's new bedroom.
August09002 copy
While our carpets were being cleaned I cleaned the kitchen cabinets! As most of you know clutter and I are BFFs, but I do not like living in other people's germs so scrubbed fried fish smell out of the cabinets. I took me 2 hours to clean the cabinets. I think I got most of the fish smell out. I left the cabinets open to air out.
I have learned a little about the family that used to live there. They had a boy and a girl. The boys names is written on one of the walls in the blue bedroom (can't remember his name now) and the girl's name was on the door, but was removed when they were replacing all the missing fixtures. The girl was probably between 11 and 15 because only someone that age would have that many holes in the wall. The boy was the youngest because he had the smaller room. I also learned where they kept their coffee pot because when I wiped the walls the smell of coffee was very potent in a particular area.
After I cleaned the kitchen I took a break to hang out with my little girl. When she went down for a nap I went back to the house to prime Cali's room. It took FOREVER and I'm still not done. I ran out of primer and I needed a latter, so I stopped for the day. I did go buy more primer and a ladder. Oh yeah this is getting expensive.
After dinner I gave Cali a bath and put her to bed, but not before we read.
This is her reading corner, we read almost every night.
No I don't make her sit in the corner before bed, that's where she likes to sit.
Her favorite book right now is Hop on Pop, I have to read it every night.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


About freaking time! We close on the house tomorrow morning!!!
She will finally have her own house to destroy!
And a quick flashback
August 2008-August 09
Is she getting prettier or what? I think we are going to have to build a basement to lock her in!

Monday, August 3, 2009


What are Cali's current favorite words you wonder? "Don't" and "No"
She can't seem to get enough of those words! And honestly I don't know how much more I can take it. She has developed this little attitude!
Here she is saying "NO!" to the camera
August09001 copy
Thankfully she's still a toddler and drops the attitude in a matter of seconds, sometimes minutes, and we have our happy baby back
August09001_1 copy
Are you wondering if we have moved into our house yet? Take a guess! You're right! NO! We still can't move into our house! What's the holdup? The selling back needs to sign it over so they can get their money, you would think they would be more anxious to get their money considering the house has been theirs since December!
Maybe tomorrow will be the day.
In the mean time I have been keeping myself busy shopping and reading.
I bought this lamp for Cali's room
Her room is going to be birds in blue and pink.
I also got a library card and got a couple of books
The Happiest Baby on the Block is to help me take control of Cali's new found attitude.
Mommywood is for pure entertainment
And California Real Estate is so that I can make some money since we moved to a small town that lacks well paying jobs!
That's the update so far! Keep your fingers crossed for us.