Monday, August 3, 2009


What are Cali's current favorite words you wonder? "Don't" and "No"
She can't seem to get enough of those words! And honestly I don't know how much more I can take it. She has developed this little attitude!
Here she is saying "NO!" to the camera
August09001 copy
Thankfully she's still a toddler and drops the attitude in a matter of seconds, sometimes minutes, and we have our happy baby back
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Are you wondering if we have moved into our house yet? Take a guess! You're right! NO! We still can't move into our house! What's the holdup? The selling back needs to sign it over so they can get their money, you would think they would be more anxious to get their money considering the house has been theirs since December!
Maybe tomorrow will be the day.
In the mean time I have been keeping myself busy shopping and reading.
I bought this lamp for Cali's room
Her room is going to be birds in blue and pink.
I also got a library card and got a couple of books
The Happiest Baby on the Block is to help me take control of Cali's new found attitude.
Mommywood is for pure entertainment
And California Real Estate is so that I can make some money since we moved to a small town that lacks well paying jobs!
That's the update so far! Keep your fingers crossed for us.

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