Sunday, October 18, 2009

Busy Busy

We've been busy shopping and working on the house.
So far:
The garage is clean (it was the first thing daddy did)
The backyard is getting green
The downstairs is painted
We have a new King size bed
Our guest have a real bed to sleep on.
We still have a lot more to do but no more money, if some of you would like to send us some money we won't say no.
We also celebrated daddy's birthday, it was the big TWO-FIVE so I decided to have a small surprise party.
Grandpa Roy and Grandma Christina came down to help celebrate and paint.
The colors are Valspar Ghost Ship and Autumn Fog.
It's been so nice having daddy back. I can't believe Cali will be 2 in less than three weeks, where has the time gone? Birthday Party invitations will go out this week.

1 comment:

DoggyMom said...

I AM SO GLAD HE'S HOME!!! I bet you girls are living it up now! Your house looks great and the colors are so pretty. No joke-- I think I looked at that Autumn fog color for our house. I miss you all so much and can't wait to see you.