Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fun in the sun..

We are members of the San Diego Zoological Society and therefor we have year passes to the SD Zoo and Wild Animal Park. Since we didn't get out of bed until noon and had nothing planned we decided to go to the zoo... yes you read that right we didn't get out of bed until noon! How you ask, well we have the best baby in the world! She woke up at 7 and I brought her to bed with us and we hung out in bed for about 2 hours. At 9 I took her back to her room and put her down for her morning nap. She didn't wake up until NOON! Which means we didn't get out of bed until then!
Our first stop at the zoo was the ducks and the flamingos.

We made our way through the park took a few pictures that can be seen here.
We ended up at the Children Petting Zoo. And as you can see Cali wants nothing to do with the animals. She didn't want to touch or look at them. She just wanted to go home.

Look at those tired eyes! She missed her afternoon nap because she refuses to nap in her stroller or anywhere but her crib.

Doesn't she look cute in her big girl car seat?

And one more just because she is so darn cute!

In other news Dave will be going to Japan soon and will be gone for a few weeks so if anyone wants to visit us we would love it.

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