Monday, August 24, 2009

Potty Training Again

I started potty training Cali again because I was running low on diapers and the nearest Costco is 40 minutes away, so I figured I would give it another try and things couldn't be going any better.
Saturday (Day 1) was rough, more accidents than peeing in the potty. I was ready to give up.
Sunday (Day 2) 2 pee accidents and 1 poo accident. But she peed in the potty twice! And she didn't wet her diaper during nap time! She doesn't say she has too pee she just grabs herself.
Monday (Day 3) So far she has peed in the potty 3 times and no accidents! Woohoo! We even went to Target without a diaper. I took her to the gym and put a diaper on her but told her that she had to pee in the potty. She didn't wet her diaper!
She is taking her afternoon nap right now and has a diaper on so lets hope the success continues.
I was thinking about putting vinyl birdcages above Cali's crib. Yay or Nay?

1 comment:

DoggyMom said...

yes -- you should get the bird cages!