Monday, November 2, 2009

How do they do it?

How do working parents do it?
We had to make another trip to the doctor this morning, but this time we went to Cali's doctor. This is the first time Cali has gone to the doctor besides her well-checkups.
Yesterday afternoon I noticed the top of her hand was swollen, like really swollen she wasn't complaining or scratching it so I gave her some benadryl. I kept an eye on her and her hand. She acted completely normal all day long and I let her sleep with me so I could keep an eye one her. She slept like a baby. This morning it was worse, so I called the doctor and was there at 8:30. After 30 minutes in the waiting room we finally saw the doctor. He wasn't 100% sure it was a bug bite because there were no bite marks and it wasn't hard, just swollen. He gave us a prescription for some antibiotics and benadryl.
We headed to Wal-mart to fill the prescription and get some stuff we probably didn't need. An hour and a half and $100 (half was for the medicine) dollars later we were out of Wal-mart and on our way home.
But back to my original question, how do dual working parents do it?
I have gone to a "doctor" the last 4 work days in a row, (the vet 3 days in a row last week). And if Cali's hand doesn't get better by Wednesday I have to take her back in again. She also has her 2 year checkup the following week. This new doctor's office has extended hours so technically I could have taken Cali to the doctor after 5, her hand looked pretty bad so I wouldn't of waited.
When I worked full-time I know we got 5 personal days a year for this kind of stuff, I never got to use them because I never went back to work full-time, but that's not enough days.

1 comment:

DoggyMom said...

oh no!! you have to update to let me know if she's ok.