Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Not Happening.

I'm not going to be able to finish Cali's book this week. I realized that I am missing 4 months worth of pictures. I guess I never backed them up before I had my laptop reformatted, I contacted my old boss and he is going to check to see if he still has a copy of the ghosted image. Please keep your fingers crossed that he can recover the files, I'm missing November 08 through February 09! So I don't have any pictures from Cali's birthday party :( And the pictures on the blog are too small to print.
But here are some recent pictures.
Cali dancing with Okie
Dave working on my chalkboard for the kitchen
The finished product hanging on our pantry door, with a note he left before he went back to SD.
She looks like such a big girl
She wanted a picture with her baby


Anonymous said...

o my goodness she so cute.Her hair is getting so light. Cant wait to see u guys this weekend.. Love u

Unknown said...

She is just adroable!